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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

a trip to the farm

over the weekend, we took a trip to quiet valley living historical farm with my parents.  ever since i was a little girl, my family and i have been visiting quiet valley in the fall for the harvest festival and in the spring for the farm animal frolic.  this weekend was the annual farm animal frolic, and we had such a good time walking around the farm and seeing all of the new baby animals.  ryan and my parents even got to hold a few brand new baby birds.  we loved seeing all of the animals, but the four-day old black and white baby goats really stole the show.  seriously, so cute!


Life Happens said...

Cute little animals!

Mom H. said...

Those baby goats really are adorable!

Mama said...

I want the Nicca goat!!!!

Mama said...

Excellent photos of Quiet Valley. Definitely take photography classes at MW.