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Monday, November 11, 2013

veterans day

one of the reasons that i love working at a a university is because it is always so neat to see what projects the students are working on and what creative ideas they come up with.

in honor of veterans day today, the student veterans alliance displayed american flags in the memorial commons on campus.  the project is called the "flags for the fallen campaign" and each flag represents a fallen service member.  there are 6,750 flags in total, and the flags are arranged in perfectly straight lines.  the project is such a nice tribute to the veterans who served our country, and it is so touching to see the display in person.

love, laurie


Mom H. said...

This display is absolutely beautiful! The students should be commended for such a thoughtful project. Thanks for all of the photos!

ma pa camlet said...

Wow, dad said it was an impressive display. It sure is. It gives the chills to know that these are all fallen soliders. Thank you to the students for remembering them and a big thank you for all of our veterans.