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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

veterans day

last year, in honor of veterans day, the student veterans alliance at the university where i work displayed 6,750 american flags on campus.  each flag represented a fallen service member.  this year, the student veterans alliance did their "flags for the fallen campaign" again, displaying 6,800 american flags on campus.  it's so moving to see the thousands of flags arranged in perfectly straight lines, blowing gently in the breeze.  the project is such a lovely tribute to the veterans who served our country.

love, laurie


Mom H. said...

Very pretty. It takes a lot of work to display that many flags. A nice tribute!

ma pa camlet said...

That is such a nice gesture MW does for the remembrance of veterans. I bet it is breath taking in person. How did you get the flags to move in the picture?