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Monday, November 30, 2015

a lovely long thanksgiving weekend

the long thanksgiving weekend was much needed, and we savored every moment of it.  we got the opportunity to sleep in several mornings in a row (which is something that never happens).  we spent lots of time with our family, and we got to see a friend who was here for the weekend visiting from out of town too.  we ate entirely too much, caught up on some of the shows we had recorded on our dvr, and spent lots of time cuddling leko!

yesterday we capped off our long holiday weekend by packing away all of our fall decor.  we set up our christmas tree and decorated the house for christmas, followed by a bit of christmas shopping.  we're officially ready for december now!

hope everyone had a lovely thanksgiving weekend!
love, laurie


The Girl who Loved to Write said...

Long holiday weekends are the best!

ma pa camlet said...

It was a nice long break and I actually got some things accomplished.