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Thursday, March 23, 2017

buy a bag, give a meal

to celebrate their 30th anniversary, petsmart came up with an idea to make a difference for pets in need.  many pets live in shelters (up to 7 million each year), but others live with parents who rely on pet food banks.  so, petsmart launched their buy a bag, give a meal program.  when you buy any bag of cat or dog food (any brand, any size, no exclusions) petsmart will give a meal to a pet in need.  the meals will be distributed by petsmart charities to pet shelters, rescue groups, and food banks across the united states and canada.  petsmart is hoping to donate 60 million meals in 2017.

we shop at petsmart regularly for leko and we think this is a great program that petsmart is running.  leko and his 5 kitten cousins encourage you to buy from petmart in order to help out their fellow pet friends!

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

That is a great thing that the company is doing. Look at all the pets we have adopted through shelters in our families. Got to love those kitties!