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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

cherry blossom trees!

for my whole life, i have wanted to see cherry blossom trees in person.  we just don't have them here where we live and they always look so beautiful in pictures that i've seen.  it turns out that the brooklyn botanic garden is among the top 10 places in the world to see cherry blossom trees.  who new?!  (booklyn is sure a heck of a lot closer than japan, paris, or even washington, d.c.)

on sunday, we took a quick trip into brooklyn to see the cherry blossom trees in bloom.  man, we sure timed it perfectly, because they were blooming in all of their glory.  rounding the corner after entering the gardens, the sight of the cherry blossom trees actually took my breath away.  i've never seen anything like it.  there were so many of them!  cherry blossoms as far as the eye could see.  it was absolutely magnificent.

of course, i think everyone else in brooklyn had the same idea we did on sunday because it was so crowded, but i didn't care.  i soaked in every moment of being under those cherry blossom trees.  walking through the rows of them was so incredible because they formed a beautiful pink canopy over our heads.  it was like walking through fluffy pink cotton candy.  you just can't help but smile when you are surrounded by that much pink!

i was so happy to finally be able to see these unbelievably beautiful trees in person.  it was a wonderful way to welcome spring and to celebrate our incredible mother earth since earth day was on saturday.  here are a bunch of photos that we snapped on sunday . . .

love, laurie


Mom H. said...

They really are beautiful trees. We have one in our front yard and it is blooming great right now. Also our cemetery is filled with them and they are blooming now as well. The ones in the cemetery are old and not in great shape but they are still beautiful.

ma pa camlet said...

Beautiful to see so many in a row all in bloom. Jeff's tree is the same kind and is starting to bloom. This year must be the year for them because there are a lot of blooms on his tree.