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Friday, August 11, 2017

celebrity summit cruise to bermuda: crystal cave

after walking around st. george on our second day in bermuda, we boarded a bus and went to crystal cave.  bermuda is known for its beauty above ground, but it is also known for its incredible caves below ground.

crystal cave was discovered in 1907 and features incredible stalactite and stalagmite formations among a 55-foot deep lake of truly crystal clear water.  walking through the cave, it was hard to fathom that the formations we were looking at started over 30 million years ago!  i have had the opportunity to tour other caves before, but crystal cave was something special.  i'm glad we had the chance to see it while we were in bermuda (despite the fact that we had to wait in line several hours to get in)!

here are some pictures from crystal cave . . .

love, laurie

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you can see more photos from our cruise to bermuda herehere, and here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mother Earth sure creates beautiful things. And millions of years in the making and still changing. Amazing!