happy halloween! behold this ancient photo of me dressed as a bunny for one of my first halloweens. that's right, leave it to my parents to confuse a kid as to whether or not it was easter or halloween and whether or not the easter bunny or the great pumpkin was coming that night! every time we see this picture we all get a good laugh.
fast forward 30-some years later and i'm looking forward to spending quality father-daughter halloween time with my dad again who is coming up to do trick-or-treat at my house tonight because ryan has to work.
i can't wait for work to be over so that i can head home, get in costume, and enjoy trick-or-treat time. our house is decorated and my costume is ready to go. (just like last year, my costume didn't cost a dime because i used things that i already had.)
every year we get a ton of trick-or-treaters at our house. we bought a bunch of candy, so let the fun commence! i always love seeing what everyone dresses up as for halloween!
happy halloween!
love, laurie