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Monday, October 23, 2017

ritter's cider mill

saturday was an absolutely picturesque fall day.  we had a few hours free in the morning before ryan had to go to work, so we took a little trip up to ritter's cider mill.  it's an annual tradition to make at least one trip up to ritter's every fall and we were craving some cider and apples.

we walked around to visit the animals, admired the pumpkins, picked out some apples, and got some cider to take home.  a few pictures that i snapped on my phone . . .

love, laurie

. . .

previous trips to ritter's cider mill: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 20162016


ma pa camlet said...

There is my alpaca friend. Ritter's cider is the best.

Mom H. said...

I see that your alpaca buddies were out of their shed that day. They are so cute!