talk about "rinse and repeat" . . . this weekend was
another theatre-packed weekend! we kicked off the weekend by working a live performance of the "what the fresh hell: laughing in the face of motherhood" podcast. the show was so incredibly funny!
on friday, we worked "semi-toned" which is an award-winning all-male a cappella group from england. i have been looking forward to this show for the past two months and it was even better than i had hoped it would be!
then on saturday, we worked the annual spring concert of our local penn state university campus. the student performers were really great.
finally, on sunday we capped of the weekend with the load-in of "jewels" which is a huge 60th anniversary performance from a local dance company. that show will be parked at the theatre all week long teching and rehearsing for the performances next weekend.
for those who are keeping track from last week, i'm thrilled that i was finally able to carve just a few hours out of our crazy weekend between calls to finally grocery shop and do laundry! small victories!!!
love, laurie
ps: you can check out my photo albums from the shows on my theatre's facebook page:
here, and