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Wednesday, February 20, 2019


we ended up with the day off on sunday, so we finally got around to doing our taxes in the morning (which is not so exciting) and then took a trip to the cheesecake factory with my parents (which is way more exciting than taxes)!

all four of us had gift cards to the cheesecake factory and coupons for free slices of cheesecake, so we just couldn't let those go to waste!  we took a little trip out to the rockaway mall in new jersey and had a great meal at the cheesecake factory followed by yummy dessert.  (we all ended up taking home doggie bags of our meals and our cheesecakes because their portions are so huge!)

it's been over a year since the last time we were at the cheesecake factory, so it was nice to get to go back again!

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

We love the cheesecake factory. Our meals were very delicious and the cheesecake is the best! I am glad we took some home because we got to enjoy it again the next day. But most of all we enjoyed the company. Thanks for a fun day.