we were so excited when we found out that the show was going on tour and that the national tour of the play that goes wrong was coming to our local theatre! ryan and i both worked the load in and the load out of the show this weekend. i was thrilled to be on carpentry crew and find out all of the secrets of the incredible set while building it! ryan worked audio for the show and let's just say he had a much easier day than i did. here's a photo someone from the theatre snapped from the balcony . . .
let's take a closer look at that shall we . . .
i love ryan standing off to the side watching as the entire carpentry crew was heave-hoing the very heavy steal deck onto the set above our heads. so funny!
we got to see the show on friday night with our parents and it was even better seeing it for the second time (and knowing all of the secrets!).
love, laurie
It was hilarious! We really enjoyed it.
I am so glad we got to see it again. It was even funny knowing some of the stunts that were going to happen. Thanks for getting the tickets. We always enjoy a night out at the theatre!
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