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Thursday, April 20, 2023

noah's adventures in eating

we're not very good about feeding noah "real food" since we're so busy.  don't get me wrong, he has plenty of milk every day, but we have to carve out time to sit down with him and attempt to feed him in the highchair.  i know, i know . . . don't judge.  we have crazy schedules.

these photos are from all the way back in february when noah was having some oatmeal cereal.  of course, we have fed him since february, but we don't have many photos of it.  so far, he's tried oatmeal cereal, sweet potato, avocado, banana, and mango.  

i promise we'll get better about feeding him more soon!

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

Seems like Noah is really enjoying eating from a spoon. Grandma can feed. His expression is too cute.

Mom H. said...

He is trying to help as much as he can. Very cute!