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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

in the big chair

one piece of furniture we couldn't get rid of when we moved was the old basket chair we have had since college.  leko loves it too much for us to part with it.  we usually keep a bed sheet over it to make it easy to clean off all of the fur that collects on it.  

noah decided to try out the basket chair for the first time recently and he loved it!  we told him that he is going to have to share because it's brother's favorite.  (we also had to lint roll him because he was very furry!)

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

I am sure Leko was not too thrilled about sharing his chair. That smile on Noah's face says it all. It did it, and proud of it!

Mom H. said...

He looks very comfy in that chair!