a happy noah waking up after a recent nap.
love, laurie
i don't get leko cuddles as much as i used to because noah is constantly climbing all over me, so whenever he jumps up to pin me down for a moment i'm happy about it! thanks, leko!
love, laurie
the spring main-stage musical at the university where ryan and i work was "bright star."
as usual, noah and i designed the costumes. ryan designed the lights, built the set, and oversaw all tech aspects of the production. noah supervised everyone and everything.
the show went great. this show was a doozie and we're all exhausted. there's no time to rest though because we move immediately onto the next main-stage show which is children's theatre!
when dad has to build the set for the musical and you bring along your tiny toy hammer to "help" dad out and end up doing a better job than the theatre majors . . .
love, laurie
someone loves to sit in his toy chest. i don't really think it's made to hold his weight so i'm praying he doesn't bust right through the bottom of it, but he loves it!
leko always knows how to find the perfect sun spot. this time it was right on top of noah's soft blanket!
love, laurie
this kid loves cheese. he is a cheese eating machine! (must be hereditary.)
how is this little guy 18 months old already?!
noah is banana obsessed! he loves to eat bananas and can't get enough of them. he really loves them with peanut butter. he's not allowed to eat out of his highchair normally but ryan made an exception the other day and noah sat on the bottom stair and enjoyed his snack.
noah earned himself kitty and puppy puffy stickers the other day in pt and he was pleased with himself. he has never seen stickers before so he wasn't too sure what to do with them. it will be a bit before we get any more stickers because i don't want them stuck all over the house.
love, laurie
i set down noah's papoose in order to spread it out before putting in on to carry noah but leko jumped right up on it and curled up. maybe i need to get a second papoose so that i can carry noah and leko at the same time, one in the front and one in the back!
happy valentine's day!
love, laurie
over the weekend we welcomed a johnny cash tribute back to the theatre. it was a great show!
you can see more photos from the show on the theatre's facebook page here.
today is my six year work anniversary of running the theatre. (it feels like way more than that!)
my job is bizarre truly, but i do like it and i'm very grateful to be able to do it!
get out there and support local live entertainment!
here are some photos from the past year at work.
love, laurie
. . .
one year anniversary / two year anniversary / three year anniversary /
some people have babies who sleep. not us.
this kid is a terrible sleeper. when he eventually does fall asleep, he sleeps cute!
love, laurie
noah is obsessed with tools. whenever ryan pulls out a screwdriver, hammer, drill, or measuring tape he is right there to "help" and run off with the tool. ryan was working on a project recently and had to get out 3 screwdrivers: 1 for ryan and 2 for noah.
yes, i'm fully aware it is not safe to have a baby running around with sharp tools but he is extremely headstrong!
his accuracy of getting the screwdriver lined up on a screw head is downright impressive for a 17 month old! we let him practice by screwing plastic wall anchors into cardboard and he's really good at it.
the sneaky look of being so pleased with himself because he stole the screwdriver . . .
ryan captured a snapshot of this sweet moment between noah and leko recently when they were both studying each other closely on the play mats. cuties.
love, laurie
it's pretty rare that i'm lucky enough to get leko on my lap anymore becuase noah is always there making a ruckus. leko curled up while noah was sleeping and it was glorious!
love, laurie
tiny chef had our oven mitts on the other day and it was funny. he looked like a little crab.
love, laurie
who knows what punxsutawney phil will determine this morning depending on whether or not he sees his shadow, but punxsutawney leko is hoping for early spring! leko's ready for the cold to go away so that it can warm up!
love, laurie
i was looking for leko the other day and peered into the bathroom to find him in noah's baby tub. what a crazy kitty.
love, laurie