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Friday, May 31, 2024

memorial day 2024

we spent memorial day at ryan's parents' house on monday afternoon.  we had some yummy dinner, played with noah's toys, and played with the kitties!  

it's officially summer in my books now!

love, laurie

Thursday, May 30, 2024

noah's new ride

ryan's parents were working the rummage sale at their church and ryan's mom came across this car for sale.  she bought it for noah and he has been enjoying riding it up and down the hallways at the theatre!

love, laurie

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

monkey see, monkey do

this nut case was dying to stand in the basket of the genie life at the theatre after seeing mom and dad do it.  tiny stage hand in the making.

love, laurie

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

dance recital season

it has been one dance recital after another . . . 'tis the season!  noah loves helping out with all of them!  he just loves to do whatever the stage hands are doing!

love, laurie

Monday, May 27, 2024

happy memorial day

memorial day always feels like the start of summer to me.  we're excited to finally have a day off work today.  hope everyone has a peaceful memorial day!

love, laurie

Friday, May 24, 2024

zooming through the grocery store

noah really loves the fancy shopping cart at the grocery store.  he loves zooming through the store and steering the wheel.  at least it keeps him occupied for a few minutes!

love, laurie

Thursday, May 23, 2024

our best stage hand

so tiny, yet so strong!

noah is our best stage hand at the theatre.  he is always there to jump right in and help.  this weekend he was thrilled to help push road cases with his favorite crew members!

love, laurie

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

parking attendant extraordinaire

my dad is game for just about anything and is a really good sport.  so he didn't think twice when i handed him a yellow safety vest and asked him to help direct traffic in the parking lot after a sold out event at the theatre this weekend.  

we already call him usher extraodinaire at the theatre . . . now he can add parking attendant extraordinaire to his resume as well.

thanks, papa!

love, laurie

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

silly goose

this man who likes to make silly faces is 21 months old today!!!

love, laurie

Monday, May 20, 2024

hello, gerbera daisy

i don't spend much time in my office at work because we're always running around the building like nuts but i was in there the other day and looked over on the window ledge and was surprised to see that there were two flowers blooming on the gerbera daisy.  

ryan gave me this plant years ago and i can't believe it's still kicking!  i've never seen more than one flower at once on it.

love, laurie

Friday, May 17, 2024

my little helper

my little helper is such a handy stage hand.  he is really good at pushing the cart and supervising the load in for the show!

love, laurie

Thursday, May 16, 2024

the great outdoors

noah enjoyed playing on the back deck this week in between rain showers!

love, laurie

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

testing, one, two

baby mic check by the tiny audio technician to get ready for the show.

love, laurie

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

lots of fun

a piece of cardboard is endless fun as a raceway for leko's jingle balls!

love, laurie

Monday, May 13, 2024

planking on mom

mom my snapped these photos of us during a recent ballet at the theatre.  we were waiting for the show to start and i was absolutely dead on my feet so i sprawled out on top of a bench in the lobby for a moment.  of course noah just couldn't let me rest even for a second!

love, laurie

Friday, May 10, 2024

happy mother’s day weekend!

last year, our friends katie and travis took these amazing mother's day photos of the three of us and we absolutely love those photos so much.  those were the first professional photos we ever had taken of noah and we just adore them.

we were looking forward to having katie and travis take our mother's day photos again this year and booked our appointment in advance for travis' mid-march mother's day sessions.  noah did so great during his last photo shoots and loves getting his photo taken at home, so we assumed he'd be fine.

he was anything but fine on the day of the photo shoot and was absolutely not having any of it at all.  he was a hysterical mess and would not cooperate no matter what we did.  it was a disaster.  here are a few of the photos that travis got.  bless his heart, he worked hard for these with a very uncooperative child.  they aren't my favorites for sure (not travis' fault at all) and i definitely wish noah was in a better mood that day.  what an ordeal the whole thing was!

love, laurie

Thursday, May 9, 2024


teething is the worst.  we own plenty of nice soft teething toys but this guy just wants hard things to chew on like legos.  doesn't sound comfortable on the gums if you ask me!

love, laurie

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

who needs toys?

who needs toys when you have things like a basket that holds leko's cat toys to put on your head and wear as a hat?!  what a goofy guy.

love laurie

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

in bed

i always love when we get a moment with leko in bed . . . until he kicks us out and takes over for himself all day.

love, laurie

Monday, May 6, 2024

playing with grandmas!

noah is so lucky to have two grandmas to play with . . . from dancing in the balcony to reading in the office, he has fun with his grandmas during shows!

love, laurie

Friday, May 3, 2024

noah's construction business

a friend of ours passed down these construction truck toys to noah after his son outgrew them.  they were very well loved and in need of a bath but noah found them before we got a chance to clean them.  so, they became outside toys and noah's construction business was booming in the front yard moving lots of rocks around!

love, laurie

Thursday, May 2, 2024

man of many talents

he can set up the speakers, he can stuff the gels . . . he's a man of many talents in the theatre to help mom and dad set up the audio and lighting!

love, laurie

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

quite the set up

noah has quite the set up in mom's office at the theatre.  toys galore for this guy to keep himself occupied during long show days!

love, laurie