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Friday, May 10, 2024

happy mother’s day weekend!

last year, our friends katie and travis took these amazing mother's day photos of the three of us and we absolutely love those photos so much.  those were the first professional photos we ever had taken of noah and we just adore them.

we were looking forward to having katie and travis take our mother's day photos again this year and booked our appointment in advance for travis' mid-march mother's day sessions.  noah did so great during his last photo shoots and loves getting his photo taken at home, so we assumed he'd be fine.

he was anything but fine on the day of the photo shoot and was absolutely not having any of it at all.  he was a hysterical mess and would not cooperate no matter what we did.  it was a disaster.  here are a few of the photos that travis got.  bless his heart, he worked hard for these with a very uncooperative child.  they aren't my favorites for sure (not travis' fault at all) and i definitely wish noah was in a better mood that day.  what an ordeal the whole thing was!

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

Well all the photos came out very beautiful. I love the one where Noah is hugging you. Noah's teeth were probably bothering him because he normally loves his picture taken.

Happy Mother's Day!

Mom H. said...

I think these photos are absolutely beautiful! It's great that Travis was able to get these whenever Noah was being more cooperative. You all look great!