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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

noah's very own excavator

anyone who knows noah knows that he loves construction equipment.  he is absolutely obsessed with excavators (which he calls scoopers), bull dozers, dump trucks, etc.

for his birthday this year ryan and i couldn't resist buying him his very own ride-on excavator.  it goes forward, backward, and side to side.  right now we can control it with a remote control, but when he gets bigger he can control it with the steering wheel and gas pedal (like a golf cart).  the front and back scoopers even move up and down and scoop things.

his birthday is the end of august but we gave him his present a month early so that he could get more use out of it in the nice summer weather.

he loves it and he looks awesome in it.  here are a few photos from the day we gave it to him.

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

Noah looks pleased as punch. What an appropriate toy for his love of heavy equipment.

Mom H. said...

He is one lucky little guy and the photos are adorable!