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Thursday, August 1, 2024

fourteen years!

today is our fourteen year wedding anniversary!  it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that we were married fourteen years ago today and that we have been together for twenty years now!  wow, two decades of being together is a long time.

even though we sometimes want to strangle each other, i'm thankful everyday that i was lucky enough to marry my best friend and share my life with him.  

happy anniversary, ryan!

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

Happy 14th Anniversary! It is hard to believe it is 14 years. Time is flying too fast. You two have a special relationship and both are lucky to have found each other. And now you have a little special package that you should enjoy everyday because they grow way too fast. Many more happy years.

Mom H. said...

Happy Anniversary! You two are a great pair!