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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

ryan's surprise 40th birthday party!

ryan's 40th birthday was on wednesday, and i surprised him with a surprise 40th birthday party on wednesday night!  i told him that the three of us were going to go out to dinner at his favorite restaurant.  little did he know that for the past two months i've been planning a surprise party for him!  (the last time i planned a surprise birthday party for ryan was when he turned 21 and i can't believe that was 19 years ago already.)

i'm thrilled that he was genuinely surprised and had no idea what i had been planning.  it was so nice to see so many of our family and friends there to celebrate.  the food was delicious, the cake was tasty, the music was great, and overall we had a wonderful time.

happy 40th birthday, ryan!

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

What a wonderful party. So glad Ryan was surprised.

Mom H. said...

It was a very enjoyable evening and I'm glad that he was actually surprised.