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Friday, August 30, 2024

yard renovations!

when we moved into our new house in october, we didn't tackle our landscaping right away.  the only thing we had done was have a landscaping company come in to flatten our front yard, bring in top soil, and put down sod.  it looked beautiful and we knew we would have to tackle the sides and the backyard another time.  we didn't even do anything about our front flower bed and it has been sitting with just the landscaping fabric visible for too long.

during the month of august, our backyard has been a big construction project as the same landscaping company came back to excavate, fill, and level our steep property.  they even built two retaining walls in the back.  they finished it up with a layer of topsoil and gorgeous green sod all over the sides and backyard.  they also brought in beautiful rock to cover our front and side flower beds.

it has been quite a massive project that spanned over the course of 4 weeks.  they did an incredible job and we love the outcome.  

needless to say, noah was in his glory these past few weeks watching all of the heavy equipment up close and personal.  he also enjoyed helping us plant and move the flowers.

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

Noah have a front row seat to watch all the construction vehicles in action. That must have made his day.

Mom H. said...

Wow, he had construction vehicles right in his own back yard! I imagine it was hard to pull him away from watching them constantly. The photos are all adorable.