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Friday, October 11, 2024

aurora borealis

my entire life i have wanted to see the northern lights.  i have always been fascinated with the aurora borealis and it's been one of those bucket list type things to see it.  i figured i never would because it's usually visible in places i don't travel, but low and behold, last night the northern lights gave a magical light show display right over our house.

it was late at night and i was in bed getting noah to sleep.  i was scrolling through facebook and saw person after person posting incredible photos of the aurora borealis over our area's skies.  i was beyond confused and told ryan to go look out the window to see if he could find anything.  at first he didn't see it and we figured we must have missed it.  then he went out on our back deck and found it.  we took turns looking at the sky from our back deck in our pajamas and quickly snapping photos on our phones before it was gone.  

it was absolutely beautiful!

love, laurie


Mom H. said...

Wow, you are lucky! I went outside multiple times and saw nothing. I think we would have to get into the car and drive somewhere else to possibly see it. There is too much light around our neighborhood and a mountain in the way of the horizon. Every time there is an event in the sky I go outside and see nothing, except for the space station going across the sky at times.

ma and pa camlet said...

Absolutely beautiful. Wish I remembered to look outside.