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Monday, February 17, 2025

valentine's day 2025

valentine's day was an all-day tech day for ryan at the theatre.  it's tech week for our main stage musical at the university so he had work on lighting/scenery all day, followed by rehearsal at night.

in the morning, noah and i made a small batch of brownies at home and decorated them with pink and red sprinkles.  we also made some valentine's dinner and packed it up to take over to the school for dad.

he had a good nap and then we visited before rehearsal started and had dinner and dessert with ryan.  noah loved it because he loves seeing "dada's big show."

he also hugged up his valentine's card which had a big hug on the inside when he opened it up.

love, laurie


Mom H. said...

It sounds like Noah enjoyed the special day.

ma and pa camlet said...

Noah enjoys helping in the kitchen. You wore him out and he sleeps like a little angel.